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Everything posted by SDS

  1. We have partnered with DirectSatTV, who is a National retail partner of DIRECTV. They understand the situation that the fans in Buffalo are in and will make every opportunity to get people installed in the Western New York region as fast as possible so not to miss out on Bills games. The NFL Sunday Ticket is still available at a steep discount through October 8th where new customers will get 4 Months Free of DIRECTV’s best television package. All Local Buffalo channels are available including WIVB. Call (888)409-4384 and set up an appointment. We have spoken to them several times and they seem like a pretty decent outfit. Let us know what your experience is like, if you do decide to utilize their services.... For everyone that signs up through Two Bills Drive, DirectSatTV will send us a referral fee. This will not make the package more expensive for you - it is just free money for the site. This is an excellent way to get the services you were going to order anyway and have another company foot the bill for our server and other operational costs. We already have a quote for a new, quad-core processor and double the installed RAM. We are currently waiting for more tests to be completed tomorrow during the post game to determine if more processing power or faster disks are needed. We also want to put aside a special "playoff server fund", so that we are prepared to move the board to a new, top of the line server for a month if the Bills made the playoffs. If a move to DirecTV is in your future, we hope that you will choose to indirectly support TBD, by supporting DirectSatTV as the installer for your new services.
  2. be careful what you wish for. It happened in 1992 and it devastated your party for over a decade.
  3. Actually, you make some very good points. With the financial mess we are in - the next President is not going to hit the ground running. They are going to have a steel ball around their ankle. The question is - what will the state of the economy be in 4 years? Or even 2 years for that matter? Ask Bill Clinton what the 1st two years of a presidency can do to you. Now, I'm not going to make any kind of prediction, but a protracted economic mess is the perfect setup for a 1 term president. As for Palin 2012. Too soon. 1st, we have to see what the outcome of this election is going to be. If she loses, the next question is if she liked the national stage or despised it. She didn't seek the VP position - she was asked. The question now becomes, does she want more? If she loses, but wants more - 2012 is far too soon for her and maybe 2016 is so far out, she'll be long forgotten. However, anyone who doesn't see the talent (as raw as it may be) is a fool. I suspect she'll do her governor thing and then rake in money from speeches until someone new comes along. I don't have a sense that she's had plans to do anything beyond making a difference in her corner of the world.
  4. Speaking of low rent... I'm not even going to dignify it with a rebuttal.
  5. regardless, it was a stupid reference to make. That asinine video is disturbing/creepy enough to stand on it's own, yet you give people an opportunity to avoid addressing the video and instead address your characterization. As Jonah Goldberg wrote today on NRO - all any of us need to know about your politics is what you think of that video.
  6. So, your stance is that the quote from the democrat aide is a lie?
  7. That is as naive an assertion as one can make.
  8. http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=13967
  9. that may be true, I don't know, but the foundation was laid long before GB came into office. Risky loans are risky loans no matter who the loans are given to. This is not me defending GWB so much (I have little support for the man), but this whole blaming this crisis on the last 8 years is appalling. If the NY Times has their own article in the business section on this in 1999 - where is the front page article highlighting this? If we have video of Barney Frank declaring how there is no problem over at Freddie/Fannie - why isn't the media hammering him? Instead he gets to help lead this Bill? Seriously? People are ok with how this is being spun on GWB? Their hatred for him is so intense that they will ignore the reality of the situation?
  10. This just speaks to the complete failure of George Bush's economic policies. He wasn't even president yet and he still managed to #$%^$#^ it up!
  11. If you say so....
  12. I'm not acting like anything. I responded to the silly notion that "the Washington Post and NYT do alright" and was met with criticism of Fox News. Well, I never mentioned Fox News and if the Times and Post is someone's definition of unbiased reporting then I would like to see what the heck constitutes biased reporting. WRT to the WP article, I thought it was the headline, but regardless - it was reported on page A1 like I said. It was a 15 year old reference....
  13. I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night....
  14. I apologize for the silly, ancient reference, but when I used to argue this stuff all the time in the 90's that is what came to mind.
  15. I was going to post something similar, but decided to pass...
  16. You know - you don't have to dismiss everything the other side of the aisle says. Why don't you keep your own scorecard? Why not just take notice of certain events that would appear to be of equal magnitude and see how they are reported? For instance, Oliver North once told a joke using a gay voice. Where was it reported? Front page Washington Post above the fold. Vice President Gore, around the same time, called Republicans the "extra chromosome party". What page do you think that made? I think it was a small article on page 14. Note that neither one was newsworthy, but front page above the fold? Really? When the issue of abortion is discussed (or any other topic that has advocates), why not make note of which organizations are asked for their opinion? While I don't have current numbers, NOW was ALWAYS asked (membership around 200k), while Concerned Women of America (membership 600k) is NEVER asked. Try finding an editorial in either paper that endorses a Republican. Piss on Fox News all you want, that doesn't make either paper less biased.
  17. If you care to listen to a smart person talk about this - Ric Edelman will be discussing this in just over an hour at 8:00 pm et. Here is the email I received: =============== SPECIAL ALERT: Ric Edelman to host one-hour special tonight on 630 WMAL-AM at 8:00 PM Congress Rejects Bailout Bill – What Does it Mean for You? =============== Tune in tonight to a special edition of The Ric Edelman Show on 630 WMAL-AM-Radio, Washington, D.C. as Ric explains what today's defeat of the financial markets' rescue bill and the plunging stock market mean to you. Ric will discuss the impact of today's vote on retirement funds, mortgage financing, personal and business loan availability, and bank stability. He’ll also be taking your calls. In the Washington D.C. area, tune to NewsTalk 630 WMAL-AM. Outside of Washington, listen to the streaming audio by going to: http://www.wmal.com/ or download the podcast later this week at http://www.ricedelman.com. Call in with your questions to 888-630-WMAL (888-630-9625). Ric will also share important "lessons" consumers should keep in mind during turbulent times, including: 1. When investing, assume the worst. Could you live with it? a. Don't buy investments you don't understand. b. Don't buy company stock in your retirement plan. c. Don’t accept company stock as compensation instead of cash. d. Don't buy a house you cannot afford. 2. Maintain diversification a. Do not buy individual securities. b. Never make big bets with your money. Putting it all in your home or all in the bank is as big a bet as putting it all in one stock. c. Build a portfolio based on your situation. 3. Have ample cash reserves a. Be sure the cash is safe. Use only Treasuries or funds of Treasuries, and stay under the FDIC limit. b. Never chase yield. 4. Be skeptical about what you read, see or hear. The media isn't smarter than you. 5. Don’t panic. Have faith in our nation, in our financial system and in history. Maintain a long-term focus, and remember that wealth is created during periods of uncertainty. If you follow the above, you have no need to panic.
  18. I think he was referring to you....
  19. what you're seeing is real. Believe it or not that little "last post" function puts more load on the server than anything else. With so many visiting the boards these days and with the increased weight of the new design - we have been showing significant load on game days. It all goes away if I disable that function. So, expect on game days for it to be this way. It is inconvenient, but it keeps everything else humming along.
  20. for game day chatter - why not use the chat room? It seems silly to use the message board for real time chat.
  21. under "options" drop down on the right hand side just above the 1st post in any thread - choose "Standard".
  22. I'm going to change the header of the old skin, but leave it 100%. No biggie. Everyone has a choice, but I prefer this to be the default for now.
  23. with the new ginormous monitors the full screen is actually more awkward. The fixed with is large enough to utilize enough screen real estate with/out have absurd paragraph widths. I mean, what other site has text extend for 1600 pixels across the monitor? Use the new skin for a week and you'll like it.
  24. choose whatever you want. I just want this to be the default skin. I'll get around to updating the old one... someday.
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