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Everything posted by SDS

  1. just as dumb as someone claiming that cutting salary on "newly hired" employees in a bloated industry ready to layoff a bazillion people is "making an effort".
  2. So, if the CEO gives up his parking spot and only agrees to use the private jet for really, really important meetings - will you say management is making an effort too?
  3. Did they also finally allow a reduction in lobotomy and coal furnace purchasing benefits? An industry set to shed 100,000s of workers gives into paying "newly hired" workers less. Well, if that doesn't fix it - nothing will!
  4. that is because the resale value for that junk is next to nothing. The poor soul who 1st bought that car took it in the shorts.
  5. You can say otherwise until you are blue in the face - it doesn't make it a reality. Quite frankly, I think you should look at your avatar and see if you see any similarities.
  6. Layoff the pirates... I just applied for a job with them.
  7. what if the product is good, but expensive?
  8. I remember many moons ago the "Buy American" type campaigns and the "Made in the USA" stickers. I guess with nearly all the manufacturing gone, trying to continue that philosophy is futile. Walmart used to feature and brag about the amount of products that were made here, but that quietly went away. I was looking for shoes today and decided to see what my choices were. It appears Allen Edmonds may be one of the last manufacturers making quality men's shoes. New Balance still makes a portion of their line here. Does anyone else even bother with such things anymore? Is it stupid to pay $250 for Allen Edmonds shoes when you can buy some other brand for $125?
  9. Not saying anything doesn't abdicate his responsibility.
  10. It doesn't matter. Jauron is the HC and he has the authority to dictate what to do there. He may not have to call the plays, but he can just say something simple like "get 10 more yards" on his headset.
  11. So, the 55 active threads posted since the end of the game isn't enough?
  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. gay footwear.
  14. try consolidating your thoughts... No one really wanted 15 new threads by the same person. [directed at SKOOBY who apparently starts a new thread every time he makes a neural connection.]
  15. Dictating and playing traffic cop are different things. Do you know what happens when there are 15 threads that say "Fire Jauron"? Some jackass makes a 16th. When there is one with a lot responses - reasonable people thhink "oh, here is where I go to complain about Jauron". Now, are you done complaining about the people who spend their time to putting up with people like you?
  16. About 50 threads saying the same things have been merged into common topics. A couple of others were closed because I'm tired of merging and quite frankly, everyone should try and be a little more courteous to their fellow posters. Oh, and you stay classy.
  17. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  18. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
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  21. The problem is deciding which ones to keep.
  22. So, then we just cut executive pay and move on. Right?
  23. I wished our teams sucked as bad his his teams over the past 13 years...
  24. Last 2 minutes of each half the ref upstairs reviews the calls on the field.
  25. Whenever I read your posts...
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