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Everything posted by SDS

  1. how many times is he going to call him Ricky Brown?
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  4. I apologize for yet another thread revolving around Jauron, but I thought this theory may have some legs. This dreadful franchise has been peddling hope for almost a decade now. With the economy the way it is and with season ticket sales surely to plummet next season - how does one peddle hope after the crash and burn of this season? Even if one can make the argument that Jauron deserves to stay or that Ralph would normally never buy out his contract, when you peddle hope - perception is reality. If the fan base has decided that this team is hopeless with Jauron - who is going to buck this economic downturn, reject the only message the Bills have to offer their fans, and purchase those tickets? Ralph, like it or not, may come to the conclusion that he has to fire Jauron or he will have nothing to offer the fans for next season.
  5. I guess if they offer it, then why not? Since I didn't see much incentive, I assumed such a deal wouldn't exist.
  6. Just making sure my initial analysis was correct. It seemed to me there was very little hand-wringing going on about the game and I guess I wondered if the cause was burnout, acceptance, or just the over-taking of more immediate events.
  7. What is your bank's incentive to do this?
  8. Yes, but before I give you some - what are your intentions young man!?
  9. have a friend at Countrywide?
  10. Have we come to terms with the Toronto deal? Is it just not that big of deal and the short term fortunes of the team are more discussion worthy?
  11. there is never a good time to lose your job and your 2 year old has little concept of the materialism of Christmas or what anything costs. Heck, I could give my 7 year old son a refrigerator box and he would have as much fun with that as a Nintendo DS. You'll be fine as long as you are realistic about your situation.
  12. color me skeptical....
  13. While we normally don't comment on moderation policy out in the open - I need to emphasize that making threatening statements, in all seriousness or in jest, is a colossally stupid thing to do in this day and age. While we are not here to protect you from yourselves, I can not allow others to substantially increase any legal exposure to me or this website. A lot of stuff gets a free pass here, but there are some big, bright lines that dim-witted people should never cross. So, be careful what you write for the whole world to read.
  14. Eat more fiber and do both!
  15. I need to to go to bed before I really start to lay into some people here... Do you think that the repetition of such phrases of polite society, such as "please, thank you, and excuse me" by most 7 year olds are well thought-out and heart felt? Seriously, WTF is wrong with you?
  16. We are still talking about 7 year olds - right?
  17. and coincidentally, my new Cub Scout, for the 1st time, led his den tonight in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Cub Scout Promise. He promised to do his best to perform his duty to God and his country, as well as helping other people. His face was beaming with pride, his salute was crisp, and he received the praise of the attending parents and den leader for a job well done. Yeah, what I witnessed tonight was just a travesty.
  18. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  19. and there is the rub... You seem to think signing a petition is actually doing something.
  20. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  21. http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/cont...1125_139397.htm
  22. http://jengafinance.blogspot.com/ I got this link from doing research on Peter Schiff. This guy is no fan of Peter and his rebuttals seemed to be flush with facts, so I clicked on the link in his signature. Can anyone here offer a take on his takes?
  23. I've watched it and it made me look into him for at least one night. The guy pretty much has me clutching the porcelain throne now. I know this is just random banter on a message board: http://www.tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=69211 I don't know if these guys are right or wrong. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable can tell me.
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