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Everything posted by SDS

  1. It is the total end to end experience. Their dealers did them no favors in winning customers. Long story short - I ordered a chevy malibu through the family employee plan. this discount was 14%. If I bought it off the lot the discount was 11%. When I went to pick it up - they tried to give me the 11%. I called the sales person on it and he said there was no difference between the off the lot and factory order deals. Really? I sat there thinking how unfortunate it is that it is illegal for me to jump across the desk and jam my foot down this POS's throat when he is *willfully* trying to steal money from a GM family member... That ended my experience with GM. Forever.
  2. So, I've read a few articles today about the 1,100 dealerships that will not be renewed with GM. It seems every single one has a quote from a dealer that sings a song such as, "All we do is buy their product and sell their product. It's not OUR fault. We are the victims here. This is so unfair." This goes unchallenged in the articles. To that I say, "Really?". You, the dealers, the angels in all of this, had no part in driving away the consumer away from GM vehicles? You all ran good, honest businesses and treated your customers with respect and provided them with a superior buying experience compared to your competitors? Really? All those surveys about how people hated the car buying experience were all liars and you are all victims here? It is unfortunate that a percentage of good people may lose their jobs, but as a whole - auto dealers aren't much more reputable than crack dealers.
  3. I thought of Vader when they kicked Jacob into the fire....
  4. the board can handle it just fine. We choose not to be "that board".
  5. We have missed the playoffs for 10 straight years... EVERY position on this team is a position of need.
  6. or you could just look at the teams and make your own conclusion.
  7. So, you can put just about anyone back there huh?
  8. AFC: 1 - Baltimore Ravens 6 - Tennessee Titans 6 - Pittsburgh Steelers 8 - Miami Dolphins 11 - Indianapolis Colts 11 - San Diego Chargers . . . 27 - Buffalo Bills So, no one here thinks that a guy for a nose for the ball can help this team? Has anyone ever seen the the turnover differential stats vs. wins/losses?
  9. Levy brought in Jauron. That pretty much negated anything positive that he may have done - and there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of that.
  10. Really? The team that drafted Pettigrew... who would they have chosen? And the team that had that player - who would they have chosen instead?
  11. I have no idea who this guy is, but turnovers IS a pretty big deal. Football games are often won or loss by your ability to make plays. If he can be the playmaker that Whitner isn't - then maybe that's not so bad?
  12. If he was from Penn State - shouldn't a lot of people know him? FWIW, he grew up one town over from my current location.
  13. I can't stop throwing up and going to the bathroom. If the server goes - I'll be useless...
  14. The problem with that thinking is that is this team is VOID of top level talent. We have no one to build around. We have no one that makes the scrub next to him better. We next some upper eschelon players on this team 1st because that is where our need lies. If it is Boldin to start with? So be it. But this team better start collecting some playmakers if they ever want to be above 0.500 again.
  15. am I the only one without a sleep issue?
  16. There is one thing this team does not have and that is an abundance of balls.
  17. Hmmmm... Earth Day. Not a bad theme, despite your sarcasm.
  18. Andrew is a Wolf Scout and we are through all the required junk. So, I have to do a meeting on one of the electives. Has anyone here been involved with the scouts? Any ideas and some educational games (teamwork, communication) or anything else in the elective section I could do?
  19. Go Bills!
  20. Or maybe it has to do with football? Wow, what a reach huh?
  21. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  22. already got it posted...
  23. One of our sponsors, Bet A Buddy, has a new pool out right now - NFL Draft 2009. Get points for every 1st round pick you correctly make! You get points for picking the correct side of the ball, correct position, and correct player... Let's give it a whirl and see if this is worthwhile to do year after year. I don't know of any other contests like it. http://www.betabuddy.com/draftpool09/login.php anyone want to try it?
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