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Everything posted by SDS

  1. actually, I get a lot of thanks for things I don't really have to do anything for... like getting more ram and disks. I only had to call. Not much to it.
  2. we use to say that all the time in the office after reading about micro-robots being released into your bloodstream, and other sci-fi types of articles we read....
  3. a kick in the ass does a body good... Now, I just have to make sure I dump the databases off to the new disk properly and everything can find it. We should see reduced IO wait times when things get hot and heavy. someone correct me if I'm wrong. We aren't running a RAID, just adding another disk that can look for data while the other disk is doing it's thing. I bet I could run the databases on a RAM disk and just rsync them (every 5 minutes ?) to the disk to really speed things up, but any emergency server restart would lose a little bit. That doesn't happen too often if ever.
  4. I was just snooping around our hosting provider's page when I saw a pretty sweet special for a 2nd drive and double RAM. I called to see if current customers can receive the offer and we got a yes! So, early this morning things will shut down and they will add a second hard drive (which I plan to run the databases from and and we'll get another 2 GB of RAM. Christmas in August baby...
  5. Here's a quote from our TOS: There is no perversion needed. If someone is continually at odds with the rest of the community - a community that has been around 11 years, then it is a good chance the responsibility lies with the individual. Either learn to get along with a dissenting point of view or move along. Nothing hard to understand or unreasonable about that.
  6. just click the blue "quote" button that are second from the right on all the desired posts you wish to include. Then scroll to the bottom and hit reply.
  7. these are going to be sick...
  8. was it the calves?
  9. So you went with the Saturn?
  10. Well, if women's college basketball coaches are going to make this list - then hells bells - Dan Gable, coach of the University of Iowa wrestling team absolutely deserves to be mentioned...
  11. Does that come in a 4-cylinder? What's the MPG? I hope it is 30+
  12. bad decision... could be the BEST ever!
  13. they are always trying to screw the little guy!
  14. up where? I can't find the link. I don't really want anything more than to cover the games and the cost of the preseasons that I'm selling for $15/ticket.
  15. way to read the article....
  16. Geez, don't they make the Ford Probe anymore for these occasions?
  17. is it a hybrid between a car that runs and a car that doesn't?
  18. Don't 43% of all Americans pay zero income tax? That doesn't seem like much sharing to me.
  19. Since I need them for the opener - I would consider buying them and just selling the rest at cost if it isn't terribly risky. Any thoughts?
  20. http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/51706382.html Pretty much a mile away from where I grew up.
  21. if anyone does any additional searches on this, please post any interesting articles/opinions here (oh the irony)... Thanks.
  22. Well, the latter has always been the case since day 1 back in the 90's. What I see as AP's play here is that they want to use the threat of lawsuits to remove competition to portals that they want to run themselves. In essence, double-dipping. Get revenue from any aggregation and then get revenue from the articles views themselves. However, their sabre rattling would imply they want to destroy the foundation of the internet - the ability to reference other material elsewhere under long-established fair-use laws. Personally, I don't think that dog will hunt, but like Getty Images and the RIAA - small guys won't have the cash to hire lawyers to defend themselves against suits from the AP. Which, probably means we need to go to an LLC here fairly soon.
  23. I don't see how they can win a fair-use case for headlines and blurbs. Especially with most news sites running RSS feeds which gives explicit approval to link and quote such articles. However, it is a situation worth watching.
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