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Everything posted by SDS

  1. by going to members and changing the sort rules - we can get rough numbers. 22 have > 14000 36 have 7500 - 14000 70 have 4500 - 7500 70 have 2500 - 4500 etc....
  2. they can stay the same, but I would argue the post counts need to change drastically. and although we have not taken advantage of it, with increased ranking could come with "more privileges". What those would be - I don't know.
  3. I need post counts with those...
  4. UDFA 0 Practice Squad 50 * Rookie 100 ** Veteran 500 *** All Pro 1000 **** Hall of Famer 1600 ***** Carpal Tunnel 2500 ****** I think this needs updating... any suggestions? Please try to make serious ones...
  5. as for Maui. The road to Hana was fun, yet annoying. After awhile those hairpin turns get old. Fast. The 7 sacred pools is a tourist hoax. There are some very nice waterfalls at the end though. We also did a submarine ride and did the horsebacking down the middle of the mountain.
  6. pretty much what we did 15 years ago. Don't know how much is changed since then. Kauai is your chance to be active. Bike tours down the mountain, snorkeling on the north side, kayaking, hikes, etc... It's all good. If the weather sucks - get up and drive 15-20 minutes and find good weather. There was a beach called the "secret beach" on the north side that was a PIA to find and walk to, but totally worth it. Since it is so out of the way, dress can be VERY casual. cough, cough. Eat where the locals eat. We had a nice helicopter ride. Have a game plan plan before you go so you feel in control of your time there, but don't give a 2nd thought to blowing something off.
  7. "let me know"
  8. I think it was mead's turn to watch him.
  9. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  10. Well, you've been here forever - yet you've never been to a tailgate party. How about coming to Danny's on Sat or coming to the tailgate on Sun?
  11. I was pulling for Akron because I'm selfish, but if this is the best compromise - then sure.
  12. just bring your entire party. The lot is huge and you can choose to mingle at your leisure. I doubt wherever you are at they have port-a-pots, raffles, food and drinks all ready to go...
  13. Are you playing? There's room... We only need one. Let's pick one and go with it.
  14. ORDER YOUR SHIRTS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...=92093&st=0
  15. Ok, I have them uploaded... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...um&album=24 Thanks Andy!
  16. Any interest in adding these to the gallery? I can do a batch upload for you.
  17. Damn, missed out on a possible referral! Excellent call on WhiteFlash. I bought my wife's 15 year anniversary earrings from there. I will NEVER buy another diamond any other way. I am more confident of what I bought there than I would have at any local jeweler at half the cost. Her earrings are amazing... might be the nicest purchase I ever made.
  18. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  19. We aren't arguing number of possessions. You brought up TOP. Great offense, bad offense... it doesn't matter. Having the ball more than your opponent is never a bad thing.
  20. That's a novel approach, but I think it is wrong. You can sum it by by saying - every minute of game clock you have the ball - is one minute less of game clock they have the ball. There really is no scenario where that isn't the better outcome.
  21. I think it was 2 separate problems that masked each other... Fixing one didn't solve it - you needed both fixes. I believe both errors were in separate htaccess files.
  22. I thought his post was unnecessarily demeaning. It's not like the OP came in with a bad attitude and starting spouting off useless garbage and deserved to be put in his place. He was friendly, polite and looking to talk about the game. Instead, he was met with condescension and ridicule. I would be put off too. I think the advice could have been given with a friendly pat on the back and not a boot to the head.
  23. FWIW, (am I allowed to use that shorthand?) I think the original poster has a fair point. I do not agree with The Dean that the criticism was "level" by any means. Regardless whether Whites Bay is a good poster or not, I found his response to extremely douchy and I'm not surprised by the reaction of some of the posters. With that said, I would like to think we are "a cut above" the average football forum and we do cater to more adult fans than other sites. Striving to increase the quality of the posts is a good thing, but I think Whites Bay went about it the wrong way. I think the OP was friendly enough to deserve a little better treatment than what he received from many of the replies. A simple "FYI" about the community make-up and what does/doesn't go over well in this particular forum probably would have been sufficient to make his point. That's just my opinion though...
  24. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he is a reader and that he cares enough to send along a note. It's just mildly amusing that someone thinks we would get daily information on a story that the AP, BN, RDC, and ESPN couldn't... and that we could if we only tried harder.
  25. I think he was referring to the front page. We have a news service in case you haven't noticed.
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