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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Hey! I was going to start a thread about that last night. Whenever Gruden would try to be forceful with his voice - he sounded exactly like Jaws does.
  2. The call was hitting Trent "low", not a late hit. The problem is that he hit him mid-thigh.
  3. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  4. it was a picture perfect tackle and a horrible penalty.
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  7. what???
  8. are you really back after all these years? That was a good 5 years in between posts.
  9. 1700+ or abouts... I forgot what set that off.
  10. I saw you there and was sweating bullets... We crushed the old record easily.
  11. The problem with your "story" is that the errors that LM made had nothing to do with the strategy. No one is arguing that LM didn't make several mistakes, it's just that running it out wasn't one of them. A fumble can happen to anyone. Trying to fight for additional yards and getting stripped can happen to anyone (who lets it happen). Again, the issues you raise are in execution - not strategy.
  12. They would still have one left which ruins your argument.
  13. Seriously. Get a grip. We're discussing strategies here. "Fumbling" is not a strategy. It is a mistake. The choice wasn't between fumbling and taking a knee. Fumbling wasn't the logical conclusion of running it back. It could have easily happened on the 1st handoff to Fred Jackson if we kept the ball.
  14. if by that you mean he was covered like a blanket, then yes, he almost broke it.
  15. This isn't true and the media error has been discussed many times this week.
  16. It was NOT me - it was Ellison.
  17. no, it's not. If he takes it out - they get it past the two minute warning negating an effective TO for NE.
  18. I think we have a winner.
  19. Please limit the side banter, as this topic is geared towards give and take with Tim. He shouldn't have to weed through 50+ new posts only to find one or two that has to do with a question or a rebuttal to him. Thank you.
  20. Was there a way to watch it in 16:9? I couldn't figure it out.
  21. When on wifi - it was pretty darn good for me. There were some compression artifacts, but it was very watchable. On the 3G network, the quality was noticeably worse, but still passable.
  22. I'm messing with the templates to get everything finally sorted out. It'll be working soon enough.
  23. there is another way to interpret this? I'd love to hear it.
  24. there is a wrong way to have (legal) fun? Thanks for letting us know...
  25. I got a few of those details wrong - the iphone/online features are only available if you subscribe to the ticket regardless of your SF status.
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