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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I would say my service approaches "great". There is a dead spot around UMBC that I think is because of overload, but beyond that - I have little trouble in Balt/Wash.
  2. Trying to help out a friend...
  3. No one cared. We were winning big. A teammate backed me up by saying he heard me say "no touchdown", but I just said "who cares? Their only points were the ones we literally gave them."
  4. If he went up into the stands to order one, I can see a problem...
  5. On a personal note, in one game during my youth we were slaughtering some team 30-0 or so... They managed to score a long touchdown, but were flagged for a penalty. We all jumped up and down at our good fortune and as the captain, I ran over to the ref signaling that I didn't want the touchdown to be counted by using the arm gesture for declining a penalty. Instead of confirming with a 10 year old kid of his intention, he signals the penalty as being declined and the touchdown counted.
  6. underdog. Bills score, plus 3.5 more points.
  7. Take a picture of your hand and we'll compare it to her mug shot to see who has the hotter partner...
  8. Who says he isn't? And does tackling someone from behind downfield all that impressive? Our defense allows a billion yards a game on the ground. Tom Brady threw at Keith Ellison about 10 times in a row on their way to victory. Seriously.
  9. I'm not really going to continue with this if you aren't going to bother to think any of this through. The tackle number is a meaningless statistic out of context. Stuffing someone behind the line of scrimmage is different than chasing down a guy 5-10 past the line of scrimmage who just caught a ball in your area. Both register "1" in the tackle column.
  10. yes it can and I just explained why.
  11. Talk to the other team's OC... I'm just saying this guy is getting action on purpose, not because he's all over the field.
  12. you are missing the point. He leads the team in tackles because he is a weak link that other teams choose to attack. Back in the day when Deon Sanders was a shut down corner, he never defended a pass all game. That's because the other team tried to go after the weaker corner.
  13. sorry man. I think you have a similar avatar as Stuckincincy who is older than dirt. my bad.
  14. before your time? Moses wasn't before your time...
  15. spellcheckers are pretty common in web browsers now. I think all the major ones have them. http://www.mydigitallife.info/2009/06/28/a...orm-on-firefox/ http://www.iespell.com/
  16. I get these every day. Indeed does a pretty good job. Bottom line though is your best resource is networking. If you can see a job posted, then everyone can see it. With 10% unemployment - your chances suck w/o a connection. Think of all the jobs being filled by word of mouth with so many people knowing someone looking for work.
  17. http://health.yahoo.com/news/ap/us_lasik_problems_fda.html Geez. It is about time.
  18. or your avatar... haha
  19. That's an absurd statement. Only Wilson knows what he is going to do. Do you want the AP or the Buff News to waterboard him until he speaks? Who is footing the bill for someone to camp out and put Wilson under a 24/7 watch to try and chronicle any dialog that may be occurring - if any at all?
  20. Smoke monsters...
  21. yes. Jessica Alba and I would need to re-populate the world.
  22. Actually, your reply makes zero sense. He offered an analysis of the situation, which is completely different from offering the contents of a conversation. One doesn't invalidate the other in any way, shape, or form.
  23. no one implied that. My point was that the article was written very poorly and the cub scouts are being used as a prop.
  24. Well, what "he" are you referring to? And no, my 8 year old does not play with his knife unsupervised. In order for him to carve his name into a bench means we would not be watching him. Parents don't do that with 8 year olds.
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