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Everything posted by SDS

  1. putting the Bills logo on a razor? Like we need anymore ideas... Look how that authentic Buffalo Bills lasso worked out a few years ago.
  2. once you get serious about dropping the liquid calories - it's like your only option if you want any flavor in your drink.
  3. or you could just start with Gatorade/weakish Lemonade and cut your sugar down by 50% right there. Or drink unsweetened ice tea.
  4. Time to go into rehab on that soda addiction...
  5. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  6. I didn't know we had the role models for the spaceship people in Wall-E. I mean seriously, is this what we have become as a gender? Grown men grousing about our "pop" addictions? I'm pretty sure anyone with a "pop" addiction would have been left for dead back in the good 'ol hunting and gathering days. FWIW, I deal with this type of thing everyday. My 5 year old daughter watches too much SpongeBob and insists on sugary drinks. Maybe y'all could form a support group with her?
  7. I just wanted to let you all know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as face down your demons. I can only begin to imagine what it must be like to face the internal torment that slowly chips away at your health, your family, and your life. Looking into the eye of Dr. Pepper every day is not something I would wish on anyone and my heart goes out to all of you. May God be with you in your time of need.
  8. 1. ridiculous 2. ridiculous 3. ridiculous
  9. This list was ridiculous. You make one-semi football argument related to your subject and the rest is either universal to all teams or irrelevant to your subject. Perhaps you can outline the teams in this league that prefer fragile dink-dunk QBs? Or the ones that like to get injured. Or the ones who like bad coaches or bad front office personnel?
  10. Do people really "struggle" to not drink soda?
  11. when the doctor sews one on...
  12. Except when you used to work for that dead guy and his family now has to sell the assets to pay the tax bill. So, instead of a business continuing to function normally - it is sold off and perhaps you lose your job because of it... I'm a white male, so I guess I shouldn't care what happens to black people or women - right?
  13. They weren't tan shorts - they were stone color and they weren't flip-flops - they were slides.
  14. Actually, it is more like 42. On average, 7 HC positions open every year. There have been 6 hiring cycles since he was fired. You do the math... Al Davis wouldn't even hire him.
  15. He's an unmotivated, pompous assclown. When he was fired, he was billed as the hottest coach on the market and then went on to be turned down for every single job. Never got another sniff. Another clueless assclown in Brian Billick hired him and found him so lazy, so uninspired, so incompetent that he had to fire him. When Brian Billick thinks you suck as a coach, then you really suck because no one sucks more than the colossally incompetent Brian Billick. Except Dick Jauron, but that's a given.
  16. There is a reason that he has been passed up roughly 35 times in the last 5 years....
  17. hopefully 15 minutes, but it could be longer.
  18. Section 311 had maybe 20% of the fans stand at any one point during the entire game... What ever intensity your section had ours mitigated it down to "5".
  19. He should hang with me out in Pembroke. I got ESPN on, have some Bison chip dip and some Lay's... We're rockin'.
  20. Maybe someone else at the game saw it differently, but I would say the crowd was as laid back as I ever have seen a crowd in a game within reach of winning. For those of you still clinging to your "Miami rival" past... give it up. That horse left the barn long ago. It could have been Seattle out there today for all the crowd cared.
  21. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  22. Ok, I just read the USA Today piece. If you ask me, he gave Bill Clinton answers.
  23. how do you remember this stuff?
  24. when was the last time Marty publicly stated he didn't want to coach again?
  25. 56 would be considered a low 2nd round pick I think... The Packers offered what we did, so they clearly have at least as much value placed on him as we do.
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