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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Actually - we ARE the Buffalo Bills. None of the top 10 will fall to us at #9. It's just the way it works with us...
  2. Hope springs eternal! Let's hope the new boss is nothing like the old boss(es).
  3. What do you expect? He doesn't use any of their products - yet is chuck full of advice about their value and their functionality. He openly congratulates people on their happiness with their "Zune" purchase, but anyone that has happily spends their money on Apple products (and is satisfied) is told they are wasting their money, blah, blah, blah.
  4. Why are you still participating in this thread again? Oh, because you thought you pass along your complete LACK of knowledge on machines/devices you don't use. Wow, thanks for that! Is there anything else you know nothing about that you would like to share? Macs have had the ability to operate multi-button mice for years. Apple MAKES them. But hey, thanks for your "insight" circa 1985.
  5. Right now I have 13 players on my big board that are a steal at #9.
  6. I'm confused. I didn't see the word "ass" in this post?
  7. Start with push ups. End with laps. Legs feed the wolf...
  8. Because he doesn't add pint of pee worth of value. The original poster asked about the community interest in the ipad. After a decade of crapping on every Apple product, there is little need for yet another "look how *cheap* you can buy something that is vaguely similar" post from him. Of course, telling the rest of us that we are wasting our money is just icing on the cake.
  9. Here's a tip. Stay the hell out of Apple product threads. You have ZERO appreciation for anything the company tries to deliver, so don't bother commenting. You don't buy their products, you don't use their products, you have no concept of the value millions of people see in their products. Your opinion is worthless on the topic. Comparing the ipad to a netbook just shows you how asinine your opinion is on the subject.
  10. I'll get one or two... after things shake out. We'll see what the 2nd version gives. We know for a fact it has a camera slot in it, it is just empty for the moment. I think they would be tremendous for the kids and for me and the wife to surf on the couch or in bed. I'm always grabbing my iphone on the couch when watching TV and I think this would be much more comfortable appliance in those situations.
  11. the bottom line is that when this started - they saw 2-3 seasons tops. Something occupied 3.5 years of episodes that wasn't originally in the plans. I say it was the Dharma Initiative.
  12. it seems to me that all the Dharma stuff was complete crap that was added to get it past 2 seasons. As the story unfolds, there is almost no relevancy to years of Dharma stuff... Certainly not enough in comparison to the years we spent on it. That must be the filler they added to draw this out.
  13. as it happens, I'm taking a systems architecture course from the current census systems architect...
  14. she has a nose?
  15. I'd look at his bank account before declaring him a bust....
  16. No offense, but fans say this say BS every year... "This isn't the year... Next year is the year..." Rinse and repeat.
  17. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  18. just all the "data" that supports it...
  19. Sitting around in underwear all day, drinking beer and watching SpongeBob tends to throw you off the trail...
  20. http://www.sabrespace.com/buffalo-sabres/a...ok-at-olympics/ for better pictures.
  21. Sorry, you missed the entire point there. What part about "The upper body can be adjusted" was not understandable? If someone's lower body spills over to the next seat, there is NOTHING that can be done. If someone has big shoulders, they can take a window/aisle seat and adjust themselves.
  22. I doubt it. That address isn't viewable anywhere that I know of.
  23. yes, I got it - since the TBD email address was on there. He is a regged member, so I assume his machine is infected. Do you know him? Has he emailed you in the past?
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