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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Probably not in the official release, but twitter just announced that API and I'm certain there will be a mod for it.
  2. thanks, I understand those points. I'm sort of looking for "experience" type feedback.
  3. http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/3...-to-ipboard-31/ for a preview of the mobile skin (connect from your phone obviously).
  4. all mobile devices. although some will look better than other obviously.
  5. YES! There is new mobile skin (that I will tweak) that is pretty nice...
  6. IPB 3.1 is coming out soon (I hope). It is in Beta now. As soon as it's out and I update the skin (which is fairly complete already) I will be upgrading. This past winter got too crazy for me to jump to the 3.0.x series. Along with a ton of new features, many surrounding social networking, there are greatly improved moderation tools. Perhaps that will help a bit...
  7. We currently have two 150GB 10k Raptor drives. One really just stores a nightly backup of the databases, etc... For the times that I need to turn off the "go to last read post" feature - it is because we are ultimately I/O bound and that feature writes the database on every *read* (beyond incrementing the views column), not just every write as one would expect. Because of this faster drives would help on super busy days... I was thinking of four 15k SCSI's in 10 RAID configuration. This would help with drive crashes and database speed I believe. Does anyone else have a conflicting or supporting opinion? Cost is about another $120/month I think - but perhaps it is well spent for data integrity and access speed.
  8. I think this has run its course...
  9. you're taking a long stroll on a short pier these days aren't you?
  10. This is a very frustrating line of thought that so many fans get caught up in. Each player's performance rises, falls, or plateaus based upon their own unique circumstances. How can you say a line with 2 rookies, a young LT, a new coaching staff and philosophy will be just as bad as it was under different circumstances? It doesn't make any sense.
  11. skim milk and vanilla protein powder...
  12. Make sure you stock up for Christmas! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36857111/ns/te...ch_and_gadgets/
  13. Trouble counting today?
  14. you've been here since 2002? Geez, I have never seen your name here before...
  15. Another interesting point, to me at least.... When evaluating the veracity of what someone tells you, you look for signs of truth or honesty that gives the individual credibility. If you listened closely, Nix gave us one of those moments. When discussing draft grades, he made the statement that all the players they drafted had higher grades than when they took them. Now, that line is ripe for a BS flag to be thrown. However, Nix hesitates and excludes Spiller from this. There was no need to do that, especially if he was lying. Lie and let it ride if that is what he wanted to do. So, that little off the cuff remark - made me believe that all these guys were picked where they thought they would be or later than they thought they would have lasted.
  16. Nix was NEVER going to take Pike because of his injury history.
  17. I think it is all the plays from one game.
  18. get in line... I've got a live one all to myself.
  19. No - an instant starter in the 6th round.
  20. http://www.nfldraftbible.com/Small-School-...ard_update.html Nfl Draft Bible has Danny rated as the 10th best small school prospect.
  21. Attached is an excerpt about Danny's Pro chances from the Sporting News. "South Dakota State DE Danny Batten is a small-school prospect who is causing a lot of chatter. Batten (6'2 3/4, 24) has been impressive with his ability to impact games rushing the passer, chasing down running plays and making plays when dropping into coverage. Batten plays with great passion and could be an ideal development prospect with the potential to become a starter. Batten could become a mid-round pick if he performs well at the postseason all-star games against improved competition.
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