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Everything posted by SDS

  1. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  2. This is correct. We just got done doing this at a bachelor party last week. No one wanted to participate as we started on the golf course, but by the time we got back to the hotel it got to be pretty funny. Bachelor parties are not supposed to be highly intellectual pursuits. If you really hate someone - warm pineapple is the worst.
  3. again, if they go under too quickly then we will pay for ALL the mess. That seems more emotional than rational.
  4. I have seen mixed testing results on that. I'm not sure that is conclusive. Verizon's tech penetrates deeper into buildings for sure, but it has other limitations. ATT is also hampered by having the iphone in the 1st place. Most of what I have read postulates that VZW would be facing the same struggles if the roles were reversed.
  5. Just wondering what everyone here thinks about that tradeoff?
  6. This is a perfect example why everyone should ignore everything Fezmid types about this subject or any other opinion he has on electronics. I'm pretty sure he has NEVER, EVER paid a dime for "Superfan". Every year he posts the same thing about calling customer retention. He always gets it for free. The guy keeps his house at 62 degrees in the Wisconsin winter and he wants to tells us "it's a price CUT". That is freakin' hysterical. If it wasn't his pet company he would be livid. I also bet he conveniently forgot to mention that anyone who DOESN'T have an HDTV is also paying more no matter how you spin the numbers. It is amazing the hoops he'll jump through to prop DTV up, but he can't seem to muster up the most obvious of compliments when it comes to other companies. It also interesting that he keeps forgetting about FIOS having whole house DVR. So, just make note that when you ask for advice - what you get is spin and half-truths.
  7. They had people turn off their wifi and it worked just fine a few minutes later. It really wasn't that big of a deal.
  8. Everyone said the same thing about Colt McCoy and Tim Tebow and Sam Bradford. Even though Bradford went #1 there were still a ton of questions around him. I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
  9. Just a casual observation from reading the draft banter every year. I can't remember the last time someone didn't think that "next year" wasn't the bumper crop of top flight QB's. And every year rolls around and the prospects fade and we hear about the next great class coming up the year after... That's it.
  10. it used to be called WalMart...
  11. my guess would be the "living" part...
  12. They should definitely try to get their money back. When you sign for that much money there should be a reasonable expectation that you'll at least try to perform the job...
  13. I would have liked to know why MIB turned into smokey for being thrown into the cave, but no one else was affected by it (save for the skeletons at the bottom).
  14. What did dad say when you told him?
  15. Let her know she could have gone without the dress too...
  16. Can you believe Evangeline Lilly dated that troll Charlie for 5 years?
  17. When you uncork something - shouldn't it have had a more immediate effect?
  18. What kind of "heaven" takes Kate out of that dress and puts her in a top and pants?
  19. Where did Kate get her change of clothes inside the church?
  20. Wait, what was this? Do you mean why was it going to sink to the bottom of the ocean? Was this a spinoff of Spongebob?
  21. Maybe the writers shouldn't have promised those answers all season long, eh?
  22. Were your nipples tingling?
  23. You knew that they were in heaven as soon as Kate showed up in that black dress... Although I don't know what that outfit was after she went into the church. Did they "forget" she was wearing that smokin' dress?
  24. and you wonder why Lana is out searching for a real man?
  25. Meh. I was ok with some it, but the last part wasn't all that and a side fries.
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