This is a perfect example why everyone should ignore everything Fezmid types about this subject or any other opinion he has on electronics. I'm pretty sure he has NEVER, EVER paid a dime for "Superfan". Every year he posts the same thing about calling customer retention. He always gets it for free. The guy keeps his house at 62 degrees in the Wisconsin winter and he wants to tells us "it's a price CUT". That is freakin' hysterical. If it wasn't his pet company he would be livid. I also bet he conveniently forgot to mention that anyone who DOESN'T have an HDTV is also paying more no matter how you spin the numbers. It is amazing the hoops he'll jump through to prop DTV up, but he can't seem to muster up the most obvious of compliments when it comes to other companies.
It also interesting that he keeps forgetting about FIOS having whole house DVR. So, just make note that when you ask for advice - what you get is spin and half-truths.