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Everything posted by SDS

  1. The OP said DTV has a monopoly on THE SUNDAY TICKET. I believe the OP is correct.
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  4. It is to me and it will not be tolerated.
  5. BlueFire's life just keeps getting better and better!
  6. yes - many times. Pretty good food. I can't say that there is one dish that stood out, but I never had a bad one.
  7. "Apple has never sued any of its customers on grounds that their jailbreaking violates the DMCA, even though a February 2009 estimate suggested that over 400,000 U.S. iPhone owners have done so. Nor has it filed any breach-of-contract lawsuits claiming that the software license agreement was violated. " So, any perceived threat has gone away, but functionally nothing will change. They never went after anyone anyway.
  8. Dad Ben, 44, a customer services adviser, admitted: "We both just sat there after the birth staring at her." Mum Angela, 35, of Woolwich, South London, beamed as she said: "She's beautiful - a miracle baby." http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...white-baby.html
  9. So, you couldn't have provided contrary evidence in a friendlier way?
  10. Was this necessary?
  11. Not to mention I don't see too many buy one get one free offers on them...
  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. I have an idea for the site, but I really don't know anything about running such a thing. I want to use it as a predictive analysis tool. I guess I am more accurately looking at a predictions market like they do for political races.
  14. I guess it depends on when their "character" comes to a head... before or after that Super Bowl victory...
  15. I think maybe gruesome would fit.
  16. So, how's that Courier working out for you? Is the battery life good? Anyway, I'm not an apologist for Apple like some are for their pet companies. So, this design flaw is pretty bad - but, in reality it probably isn't THAT big of a deal (minus the embarrassment). I've seen hundreds of iphones being carried by people. I only remember one person that didn't have a case and he beat the piss out of it. So, people will make a bigger deal of it than it really is because some people have too much time on their hands. Regardless, Apple will have to do something. You might see a release where they coat the antenna before it ships or something. We'll see.
  17. So, we have vacation insurance for our summer trip to the beach and it covers my employment situation. The question is - how much money will the property owner generally receive - if any? We are on the fence about going, but maybe a lower rate will benefit both sides.
  18. The abs are still model quality - even at age 38 (with two kids)!
  19. Not really an IT type. If I were - jobs would be falling in my lap around here. I'm an optical engineer and our sector just had a big blood-letting after losing several high dollar contracts the past year. Apparently, some intern forgot to put my box on the powerpoint re-org chart. My wife HAD to go through a recruiter to land her hospital pharmacy job. However, I don't think many firms exclusively use them in my industry. However, I'm uncertain if they can help otherwise (as a general rule). I need someone to be able to get me in front of decision makers and out of the resume pile.
  20. What say the collective wisdom of the wall? Do recruiters actually help you land jobs or are they just noise in the background?
  21. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  22. This is correct. We just got done doing this at a bachelor party last week. No one wanted to participate as we started on the golf course, but by the time we got back to the hotel it got to be pretty funny. Bachelor parties are not supposed to be highly intellectual pursuits. If you really hate someone - warm pineapple is the worst.
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