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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Perhaps you missed the pinned thread on the old board that said all posts yesterday would NOT make the jump?
  2. You can access the new chat room in the menu bar under the banner... WARNING: The service is temperamental and out of my control. It was inexpensive and works great when the server is up... but there appears to be many times when it is down. If you see a message like this: "[#CSTART-0] There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator." I can't help you - it is on IPS's side, not mine... Thanks and enjoy it when it works!
  3. Try looking to the left of your Messenger panel and select "My Conversations".
  4. That will be part of the reputation system once implemented.
  5. It is now visible via the drop down menu in the lower left hand corner. However, it should have sensed your mobile device and feed you that skin automatically. What device do you use?
  6. The Reputation System is not operational yet. I still have to think through the implementation. So, if you try to "rep" someone - it probably won't work.
  7. With regards to the Shoutbox... I will most likely add an integrated chat room that logs you in just like the board does. That would make the shoutbox sort of superfluous, although I could be convinced to retain it if presented with a rational argument.
  8. I'll answer this in the questions thread... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/117685-questions-and-tips-about-the-new-board/
  9. Tip: to send a PM to someone - there is this microscopic green box with a little arrow by their name - click on that and a little pop up window shows. Select the icon that looks like an envelope.
  10. Indeed! Lots to absorb here and more to come...
  11. I have to figure out the reputation system and how it should operate. That will be a work in progress.
  12. Actually, you didn't. I have access to the old board and I went and checked. Unless your avatar consisted of a transparent image.
  13. You had no avatar and friends were kept for me, so I'm not sure what to tell you...
  14. We've been open for over an hour and other than some PMs - y'all are pretty quiet!
  15. Some guys just need longer to develop no matter how much you wanted them yesterday.
  16. Relax cowboy. The original poster was handing out backhanded praise - which is easily seen by those who know his posting history. It was equivalent to telling an arsonist how much you admire their fire-starting capabilities.
  17. To be "reminded" of someone? No. Not at all. Someone can remind you of anything in a split second.
  18. you can quibble all day about whether a guy off the street could make that throw (given years of practice with Lee Evans), but it would be hard to argue that any NFL or competent college player couldn't have made that completion. This isn't knocking him, it is just saying that he damn well better hit a guy THAT wide open with no pressure on him.
  19. It'll take about 12 hours for all the posts to be converted. We would lose any posts during that time period. Would probably do a 8p-8a type of schedule. There is a risk that the new version might consume much more resources than this one. If that happens, I'll need to upgrade the hardware and we may have to revert. Just a warning that this is very possible.
  20. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  21. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  22. The point is a well ball placed into coverage is a well placed ball. Doesn't matter what string it is. Accurate throws are accurate throws - the level of competition doesn't matter. Now throwing under pressure or created confusion is a different story, but don't take away successes that transcend competition levels.
  23. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  24. I'm going to go ahead and close this thread right now. Nothing good can come from it. and the answer is, "Thanks for giving us your best Scott..."
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