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Everything posted by SDS

  1. No tagging function yet. The twitter/facebook thing is you can post a ink to your account. You can also use FB to login now.
  2. it is the membership level based on number of posts. Don't use the friend feature myself, but I guess it helps track content of certain people.
  3. yes and yes. We'll see how it works when I get a plan together... the idea is to tie it into self-moderation which is very successful with blogs.
  4. Bottom left corner.
  5. Sorry dude. You are SOL. I sympathize with you, but IE6 is a 9 year old, horrendously flawed browser that has terrorized web designers for years. I suggest finding a site you need for work that doesn't work and start bitching about it. Although, I have heard IT depts keeping IE6 specifically because it DOES break websites.
  6. I'm guessing you use IE6?
  7. Check out "My Content" under the drop down menu in the upper right (under your user name).
  8. Check out "My Content" under the drop down menu in the upper right (under your user name).
  9. I put a 30 minute time limit on the edit feature and now all edited posts will have that tag, so the checkbox is probably removed by default.
  10. I never used it so I don't recall the feature set. Not sure if it was removed, moved, or replaced.
  11. IPB really screwed the pooch on avatars vs. personal photos. It is a mess and we have been begging them to clean it up. What you are seeing is The Dean's "personal photo" not his avatar. The old skin is in a drop down menu on the bottom left.
  12. This is seemless with the forum. I don't know the details. This interface is the only one I am pursuing.
  13. You aren't supposed to. The mobile skin is lightweight. You can always select the regular skin if you prefer.
  14. check out: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/117685-questions-and-tips-about-the-new-board/page__view__findpost__p__1940934
  15. ok... we don't allow external links to become displayed images, so that icon won't work and should be removed. You have to attach an image using the attachments section below the post box.
  16. well, what extension are you trying? You can trun images off, although that hits emoticons as well. The penalties for adult images will be harsh. Very harsh. the previews are small (100 x 100 max). There will be NO images in signatures. It works really well with the tamer SabreSpace crowd.
  17. ok, so that is progress. You can see the thumbnail and the image when you click on it. Now, just to figure out the upload issue...
  18. well, the tags used for that were deprecated. What used to take 2 words now needs javascript or invalid code to work. The issue is what do people do who don't want a new window/tab? They have no choice.
  19. Uhg. There are so many settings on this scattered everywhere... What about now?
  20. It's not going to change. That is the way the web is moving. Just right click to do what you want.
  21. Is everyone having this problem? Can you see the thumbnail?
  22. iPhone Tip: Download the IPS iPhone app and manage all your IPS forums from one app! So, you could include TBD and SabreSpace in there...
  23. No, what was written is the definition of a pinned topic and didn't make any sense as pinned topics are ALWAYS on top of current topics.
  24. I assume you mean the word "pinned".
  25. That could be. I forgot that both installs are using the same folder. It could have fallen outside of size limits or something and been deleted when that folder was scrubbed of orphaned avatars. Sorry!
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