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Everything posted by SDS

  1. So, looking into the NFL Replay again and now it appears they have some sort of "no rewind while any NFL game is broadcast"? So, you can't watch it all day Sunday and then you are blacked out Mon night too? When the hell CAN you watch? Tuesday?
  2. I'm starting to stretch the hammies now! Yes. It is very organized. Check out the photos in the Gallery section to see the setup. We all wear name tags!
  3. Priest Holmes was a Raven before he was a Chief...
  4. well, we aren't all sitting together in the stadium anymore. We are all scattered. Don;t know who has a spare, but one is always available game day. Tailgate tickets are $6. We start at like 6:00am. Tent, food, raffle, all kinds of good stuff. It'll be the best $6 (plus $20 for parking) you ever spent....
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. Game tickets or tailgate tickets?
  7. I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for supporting one of our sponsors.
  8. I only install the software and make it look pretty. Anyone who has any philosophical complaints with IP.Board can lodge a complaint with them...
  9. and there it is... http://content.usatoday.com/communities/thehuddle/post/2010/08/directv-to-offer-nfl-sunday-ticket-to-non-subscribers-via-the-internet/1
  10. a topic with 25 posts or more will have the left hand folder color changed from blue to red as a quick visual indication of what topics are receiving a lot of activity.
  11. You really need to stop cutting and pasting large parts of articles here. The Buffalo News deserves those page views. This is a serious matter.
  12. I know what a hot topic is, but how should we define it? See the new thread I posted on this...
  13. it used to be set to 15, which is pretty low IMO. Anyone have a better suggestion or should it stay the same? I changed it to 25 in the meantime.
  14. Ok, do an F5 refresh. What is a "hot topic" anyway? 15 posts? 20? Other?
  15. I have implemented a quick and dirty hack that strips the word "youtube" from replies. If I can find the right regex that strips the entire URL - I'll implement that. But for right now - it is a hatchet that will remove all youtube references, url or not, and it will prevent videos from being shown multiple times. Some of you can go back to sleeping at nights now...
  16. I did this because one of your fellow posters went off on me because they reported a post, it was later edited by the OP, and then I was accused of covering up for them. So now, people can see if a post has changed and it causes less confusion.
  17. no... We have 1.9 million posts here dating back to 2004 I believe. We are missing a years worth of data though due to a hard drive failure.
  18. I've made this point in the past. "Next year's class" is always better than this year's class. It happens every year.
  19. those features are not built in. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=forums to eliminate emoticons. As for the rest... can we just chill? It is day three. You really used that feature?
  20. if you click on Find My Content underneath their profile pic - it shows them all. Don't use the tab on the right. it has yet to become a problem at SabreSpace in the least bit.
  21. Gee, you could try and do a little leg work you know... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/117749-qb-popularity-poll/
  22. he was talking a picture that showed up. That post is gone. The YT thing is much ado about nothing. It's not like every thread will have one. I doubt one in 200 will have one. Also, the public voting is an option on the poll - the default is private.
  23. I believe the entire forum is one type of sans-serif font, so I have no idea what you are seeing. I don't see a serif font anywhere.
  24. edit your quote then...
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