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Everything posted by SDS

  1. There is no amount of one off traffic that could be sent to his site that would be any more meaningful than a 32 oz Colt 45 and a paper bag.
  2. 40 years old... who talks like that?
  3. "Patrick Moran THE year is still not over.. I can still choke a B word. and the election night drinking was awesome. Sadly, the more I think about it, the more I realize pretty much every highlight of 2008 centered around drinking."
  4. I'm trying to stay out of this, but wow - what a piece of work. Maybe someone should ask him on Twitter how many he's punched today?
  5. Well, we haven't been to the playoffs since 1999, might as well pull out splash pages that were last used in 1999 too...
  6. He could have lost a leg in a lawnmower too.
  7. To be honest, this is the reason why I don't understand why so many people argue one way or the other so vociferously regarding a player at draft time. State your case and let the results speak for itself when the time comes.
  8. Seriously... WTH is Yahoo! Sports anyway?
  9. Why would the Ravens trade Oher the year Spiller was drafted? He had a pretty good rookie season under his belt.
  10. wow. that is what people call the "nuclear option"...
  11. vitriol? beat up? It's not semantics - it is what I meant. It is the reason I bolded and italicized "should" in my response to John.
  12. Look up the definition of "should" and get back to me... OTOH, if John wanted to do that in his free time, as a matter of choice - then that is a different discussion.
  13. Why should you have done homework on something you can't influence anyways? I didn't do my homework on that draft. The Bills chose without my input and Aaron Maybin stunk regardless of any pre-conceived notion I had of him.
  14. You missed the entire point. The collective response was due to the drafting of Donte Whitner specifically. Bill's response was due to the drafting of a DB - regardless of who that player was. Big difference.
  15. That really isn't applicable. We could have drafted Daryl Green with that pick and he still would have made a stink about it. The quality of the player is irrelevant to Bill.
  16. Prove what? That his income is suspiciously close to the 15% capital gains tax rate? Seriously? Where do you think an investment tycoon gets his money - a lemonade stand?
  17. This is incorrect. The reason he gets away with this rhetoric is because 35% of the profit is already being given to the govt. before they cut his check. Add in his 15% and you get a 50% tax rate. So, no - your tax rate isn't higher. You can play stupid number games like this all day. Just tax corp profits at 50% - eliminate cap gains for the individual and what do you get? The govt gets the same amount. Buffet gets the same amount after tax, but his "total federal tax rate" is now like 2%. Yet there isn't a single extra dollar in his pocket. That's fine, but he is using faulty rhetoric to make a point. If he wants to pay more taxes - he can cut the check. I won't argue.
  18. If you don't find re-evaluation of past thoughts to be healthy and constructive then go enjoy your mashed peas and your Wiggles videos.
  19. No thanks. I'm going to continue to talk about it. With your permission of course...
  20. Considering the freshness of the news, why are we letting it go 8 hours later?
  21. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  22. I was referring to saving toilet water....
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