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Everything posted by SDS

  1. My brother is out. What about the Links at Ivy Ridge? That looked pretty nice...
  2. also check Buffalo Tournament Club.
  3. So, we may be golfing again this year. I have seen interest from Jay, Jack, TPS and me (possibly my brother Carl). Who else would like to shoot 9 on Sat afternoon? Also, I think we are going to have some sort of trivia contest with semi-randomly chosen contestants. Probably will be a prize or two involved. Working out the details on that. Anything else anyone would like to see?
  4. So, like in previous years - we will be charging $6 for the tent, non-alcoholic drinks, and parking spots consumed by community use. Last year, I bought chicken and ribs - cooked by Swiatowy's BBQ at the tailgate site. I'll be doing that again this year. Menu is not finalized yet. For those coming, please bring something to share (if you are traveling we understand if you can't bring anything - you can always chip in for the grill items). Here is an incomplete list of attendees. Add a food item next to your name, so we can get an idea of who is bringing what (think side dishes and finger food): Jay - Breakfasty stuff (donuts/bagels) AiO - Burgers and dogs, buns, variety of chips and dip, maybe cheese and crackers Mead --- Stromboli ---- (a few Breakfast ones) ( apx 30 hot dogs for after the game) JSP SDS - Ribs/chicken/baked potato??? TBD Guffalo - Wings Dr Fong - cookies/brownies R. Rich - Sahlen's hot dogs Just Jack Heitz Ghost Lancaster Steve WVUFootball29 EndZoneCrew MarkAF43 Aussiew Rockpile Lori (if she can) Swy's BBQ - Chicken & Ribs, Salt Potatoes and Chicken Wing Dip Flutie Flakes - chips (Tostitos Hint of Pepper Jack), pretzels and some dips
  5. The issue is that most people don't know what the MD flag looks like. Although, I think the implementation on the helmet was poor - the rest of the uniform is fine given you understand the MD flag. I thought the contrasting shoulders was well done given what they were trying to do.
  6. keep in mind when you "leave it as it is" the software gets EOL and is no longer supported. Security holes are no longer patched and requested fixes/features are left unaddressed.
  7. everything would be moved.
  8. Check original post...
  9. Added survivor pool...
  10. Here is a post about the changes (skip the 1st set of links and scroll down to where it talks about ip.board: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/342380-ipboard-320-and-applications-released/
  11. Our current software has been moving forward with new releases, some of which have significant skin changes. Please visit a demo board: http://a15394.demo.invisionpower.com and kick the tires. Note the skin will be customized to TBD (colors, header, etc...), but radically changed in function. Please check it out. You can post as a guest or register as a member (important to try). Data gets deleted when demo is over.
  12. Pick 'em: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/pickem/register/joingroup Group #: 50642 Password: tbd11 Picks are due 5 minutes before EACH GAME. Picks are straight 'up. Drop your lowest score... Good luck! Survivor Pool: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/survival/register/joingroup group #: 22553 password: tbd11
  13. Yeah, john's comment was a little silly. Please disregard.
  14. I'm not sure why you would push the issue though. I imagine 99% of the things that happen behind closed doors never see the light of day. Frankly, I would be more concerned if more DID come out than if it didn't. With that said. The overwhelming consensus is that we value both of your contributions here. I think we should just leave this as an "exercise for the reader" to sort through and let any tension subside.
  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. This weekend... I'll probably go with Yahoo.
  17. The Bills were not going to draft Taylor. The pick would have been Eagles' tackle Tre Thomas.
  18. The Bills lost to the Cowboys in the Super Bowl three times...
  19. With apologies to Badobilz... I totally ripped off his post from a couple weeks ago. I just want to give credit where credit is due!
  20. Do we have any more 1st hand experiences?
  21. What say you?
  22. Cindy, I'll be ordering a bunch like last year. Let's talk when you get a final count.
  23. sure. go to framesdirect.com and buy away. I just did that this week. Go to retailmenot.com and get a $20 coupon to apply to your order. They'll come with plain plastic lenses in them and everything the optician needs to cut the lenses for that frame.
  24. with unintelligible lyrics that change from performance to performance, although I'm uncertain how anyone actually knows they change when they can't understand them in the 1st place.
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