Just to pick on your post in a treasure trove of posts which to pick on - your response missed the point like a Kerry Collins pass.
Most NFL players become NFL players because they grew up playing football. I think that will be put into MAJOR jeopardy in coming years. This is AMERICA - the home of the lawyer, the home of the class action lawsuit. As more medical attention pours in about the effects of head injuries - the little league football clubs and schools of this country will face multiple lawsuits and because of that their insurance will skyrocket. This will force the closing of programs. Couple that with a flood of information on these injuries reaching the parents and you will start to see parents directing their kids into other sports. Parents have already spoken in this thread and we as a society are only getting our shoes on with respect to this issue.
Changes in equipment, techniques, or whatever else you suggested will have no affect on the lawsuits, nor the change in attitudes that the sport will face in the future.
If you don't think a cultural change can bury a sport - all I have to ask you is who the world's heavyweight champ is... Boxing is a dead, fringe, irrelevant sport which used to be the king of all sports in America. It only took the time from Muhammad Ali until the exit of Mike Tyson to go from King to Jester.