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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Your opinion is absurd. He can be both terribly disappointed that he missed breaking the record and happy his marginal team made the playoffs. Perhaps you would enjoy someone micromanging your every subsecond reaction you have in your life?
  2. As we move forward from today, I want to make it clear what I believe is the appropriate level of discourse regarding any discussion of Ralph Wilson. It makes no difference what your feelings for Ralph Wilson are: love, hate, indifference... whatever it may be. Feel free to express your thoughts as you normally would. However, tasteless comments about his age, the physical difficulties that older people face as their bodies wear down, or his eventual passing will not be tolerated. No one needs to go there. There is no value in that level of disrespect and any such comments should be either kept to yourself or expressed in another venue. Thank you for understanding.
  3. and if they were also desparate?
  4. The Bills do NOT give up a few more points. They give up a MASSIVE amount of more points. For giggles, let's just say the games play out in a fashion where the Bills manage to score the same amount, but let in 8 fewer points every game. Their record? 9-6.
  5. I remember you being highly, highly critical of Gruden many years ago when he was about to be fired. Correct?
  6. Has anyone bothered to check if Tempo is open on Sundays?
  7. the two of you should just chill or take it to PM... seriously.
  8. My review: It is a shame Dave didn't snap a drumstick in McCartney's ear. I'll never forgive him for ruining Christmas forever more with the worst song ever made - Having a Wonderful Christmas Time. The song was forgettable, I am no Nirvana fanboy, but Dave Grohl plays the drums like no other. He should have just played a solo.
  9. I'm curious if you even bothered to read the article? Unless it is your opinion that the shooter shot everyone, went outside and set his rifle in the car, and then went back inside....
  10. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/120612-636087-democrats-dirty-little-secret-middle-class-tax-increases-ahead.htm Howard Dean calls for middle class taxes...
  11. TPS is a good guy. I'm not really sure he deserved this type of retort... JMO. I think the question is which one is the chicken and which one is the egg. Did the tax cuts allow them to earn an additional $660B that they normally wouldn't have or would that have occured regardless? Personally, I have grown very, very discontent with the conservative position that every problem deserves a tax cut and that every dollar paid in taxes is rooted in evil. The concept of the Laffer curve, even if accepted as correct, has been so distorted that I can't even see the the basis for the conservative's tax policy argument anymore.
  12. We have had our own experience with murder/suicide right here on this board. No guns involved. Just a bat and some rope.
  13. Several years ago Baltimore School budget types claimed they too had cu everything to the bone and nothing was left to cut. Well, apparently the chauffeur of the Super Intendant making $100k per year was off limits to budget cutters....
  14. Stojan just registered that domain name.
  15. For the slow people... I was making a joke about the original post.
  16. Never had one stolen, but I did take a sweet little Nissan 350Z for a joy ride on a dare once...
  17. We don't even have the weakest in our division.
  18. Now that is some good info! There's no way I'm exercising a generator every month, so I decided against one for Sandy.
  19. I wouldn't be concerned. This is an example of social engineering by spammers. They know that users will more likely trust an email from a friend than a stranger, so they forge the From: field. It is more likely that there is a virus on her friend's windows machine and the spammer is just pairing up random email addresses from that machine than hers. Are all of these friends common friends? Would all of their addresses be on each others machines? With that said, Apple has stopped supporting Leopard with security updates. So you depending on your surfing habits, you may or not be at risk.
  20. More useless commentary. Shocking.
  21. Squeaker may be little too strong, but it wasn't a run away. The electoral college is sort of built to create that perception, but a 2-3% difference isn't a runaway in my book. I would put that at 10%. This election was close enough that any number of small events could have perturbed it the other way.
  22. Jim's comments aside, saying the government has no business in this legal transaction, when the term legal explicitly requires government involvement is nonsensical.
  23. Some women in Obama's coalition, not all... and only because Romney let Obama make a strawman issue out of it.
  24. When was the last time they chose the right candidate?
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