You can talk to AiO who personally thanked me for my previous words on the subject... as just one example. And another:
then there are the deleted posts that I would have been involved with, so a search doesn't do much good now does it?
However, let me clear a few things up.
that's the number of posts that have been made here in 8 years. If your accusation is that I personally have not done enough to guide the discussion in a way that would I would have liked over the course of 8 years and 2,632,465 posts - then yes, I do own that. Along with my house, my job, my wife, my two young children, and my 2.5 hour daily commute. I also have room to improve on being a husband, father and friend. I probably should give more to charity.
I challenge anyone who thinks they have the daily fortitude to read 2,632,465 posts in 8 years, posted by thousands of anonymous people, and intervene each time someone has crossed the line to step up to the moderation plate. 1000 posts a day, every day, every week, every month, every year, year after year. Without end.
Even then, each and every post made here is accompanyied by a "Report" button. This gives the power to the community to flag each and every offensive post ever made here. Should I check to see if we have any record of you reporting such offensive material?
If you remained silent, if you abdicated your responsibility as a community member, then maybe you own a little of this too...