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Everything posted by SDS

  1. But they aren't. The ENTIRE COACHING STAFF IS GONE. Buddy Nix's SUCCESSOR is sitting right there in the PC and will travel everywhere with him. How often does an assistant GM EVER do that? All signs point to him leaving sooner rather than later. How is this in any way shape or form the same decision makers?
  2. Isn't interesting how this like-minded group of people all seem to have the same set of mis-informed complaints? It's like they get emailed a daily talking sheet.
  3. Interesting, I would say the opposite. No way those players could ALL be bad...
  4. All I'm getting from a few of you is petulence. An entire coaching staff dismissed. A longtime meddlesome owner who has stepped aside. A new President who publically admits the brand has been damaged and has new power to right the ship. A young Assistant GM being retained to take the reigns sooner rather than later... But alas, the bike isn't the right color, so the bike goes over the bridge. If it ain't perfect to everyone, it ain't worth doing I suppose is the message.
  5. Were you trying not to tip your hand when stated "lack of candor" then or was it a misdirection?
  6. haha... Now Whaley is responsible. Last page it was Nix. When everybody sucks... no one will suck.
  7. Maybe we have a different definition of "hot" then? Are you saying he looks good in jeans?
  8. and he played 14 seasons in the NFL. This guy visits NFL stadiums when he buys his own ticket.
  9. So, you're just going to double down on the no big deal thing because Russ just decided to waste everyone's time holding a non-eventful, box changing PC and made up some BS story of an emotional meeting an a 94 year old owner? Good work. Clearly, this is all just a farce because no one else has anything better to do. Perfectly logical.
  10. So, you would rather smash that square peg into the round hole to fit your assumptive view of the situation, instead of considering that maybe they made a big deal of this because it is actually a big deal? Russ Brandon stood in front of reporters and lied through his teeth about his emotional meeting that finally removed the rubber stamp?
  11. That sound you heard was the sound of that PC going right over your head.
  12. How can people react as if Ralph Wilson is still 60 years old? Yes, it is unthinkable that a 94 year old owner whose health has been deteriorating might eventually give up control in earnest because he didn't 30 years ago. WTH....
  13. Exactly. The Bills didn't hold a press conference to tell everyone they made a change in a powerpoint chart. There wasn't an emotional meeting because Ralph still is signing off on everything.
  14. How is the latter valid IF RALPH WILSON CONTROLLED EVERYTHING? This isn't that hard people.
  15. Someone eventually wins the lottery too. I don't consider buying tickets a retirement plan though...
  16. I'm not. I wouldn't touch a coach w/o NFL experience with a 20 ft pole.
  17. No reason to be skeptical. The odds of success are so great, it isn't even worth discussing.
  18. Why spare us these delightful New Year's insights drenched in unrelenting cynicism? You have it all figured out, I see no reason why you should hold back telling us exactly what the future holds.
  19. if you came here to troll for pissing matches, you picked the wrong place.
  20. but you aren't sitting back - you are actively arguing with people who see this as a positive move. You have declared what it is before what it is has even been announced.
  21. It is called respect. And it really doesn't matter how it appears to YOU, as long as they have it worked out internally. It's a shame you can't wrap your mind around letting a life-long football man have 4 more months in the business before he steps aside.
  22. You have already declared this to not be the case... based upon what Ralph Wilson did in 1969. Solid reasoning there.
  23. This set of circumstances has never happened before. Your history book is blank with regards to this situation. Again, your assertion that nothing ever changes is ridiculous.
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