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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Nope. Ray Lewis. He has the playbook on reputation revival. 1st step: find religion.
  2. Money isn't the issue - I appreciate the offers, but that's not what I'm asking for. It's really just a matter of the past content being accessible or if I need to throw more hardware at the solution.
  3. To be honest, I have not looked into these new server implementations. I assume Amazon knows how to do these things. I pay $310/month... The hardware is great, but I think we are just hitting the limit when too many requests come in at the same time. I assume RAM is the culprit here, but that's just my gut...
  4. With over 3 million posts in the database, things are starting to creak, if not actually break down. Although I haven't officially diagnosed database size as being the reason it is slower these days, it seems to have gotten progressively worse as the seasons pass. So, that's an issue. I'm open to suggestions on how to handle this. Given that this is database size driven, I could possibly buy another license of IPB and offload a decade worth of posts, make it archive only. This will affect post counts, etc... on active board. I could just also just delete those posts. Not a big fan of that option. Or, perhaps there is a server tweak I have missed or there is something happening in the background that is causing the long page load times. Regardless, I'll need a plan of action for this season... Thoughts?
  5. There's nothing like drawing a similarity to Jauron that kills a buzz faster...
  6. Answer: "I'm not interested in talking salary right now. I need to make sure this is the right move for me professionally first. I'm confident if I am the right fit, that I will be compensated appropriately." Hold your ground. Insist it will work out. When they make their offer, pause if given verbally, then ask for 10% above that because she will have given you a mid-range quote for what they will pay. I did this when I got hired at Agilent and the HR person told me after it was all done, I was the best negotiator she ever tried to hire.
  7. Tons of fun - don't miss out! Pick 'em: http://football.fant...ister/joingroup Group: 40651 Pass: 2013 Survivor: http://football.fant...ister/joingroup Group: 20452 Pass: 2013
  8. FedEx field is an armpit built for bottom dollar. I would barely accept tickets there for free.
  9. I'll start it soon.
  10. Anecdotal, but my kids 9 and 13 will watch parts of soccer on TV, but refuse to watch most any other sport - including the NFL. Yes, they both play soccer, but that's sort of the point - there are a ton of kids playing the game today.
  11. http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/64441086/nfl-statistical-analysis-average-nfl-game#!XZydL
  12. They play for 11 minutes in football and spread that out over 3-3.5 hours. I don't think that's a great point to make.
  13. You hate the media and reporters. We get it. Thanks.
  14. all appears to be well... clowns to left of me...
  15. They are replacing some hardware and updating some firmware. The only issue is if they forget to restart apache or something goofy. Then it will be a matter of when I wake up. I'll check around 5am if I come out of REM for a few. haha.
  16. If I had that many billions, I wouldn't really care that much about what I paid. If it was 75% of my worth? Sure. 10%? The power of being an owner is worth it. So, if the money doesn't matter - why not keep it in Buffalo?
  17. Thanks Marv. Thanks Dick.
  18. I've read this 5x and I still have no idea what you are saying.
  19. and the fact that their 1st round pick was 27 and ours was 9.
  20. Please post reaction here....
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