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Everything posted by SDS

  1. URL images get reduced to 500 px, attachments 1200px with a thumbnail.
  2. when you click on the thumbnail - you see the larger image. Ok, I limited to size displayed on image using URLs. Unlimited size was obnoxious. Larger images can be shown via attachments.
  3. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  4. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  5. Ok, why did the thumbnail work for me when uploading large picture and not for anyone else in this thread? Was the thumbnail feature broken?
  6. Hey, well, that's good to know! And here I thought I was stuck with a dead-end version of the board that will eventual lose security updates and plug-in development, has sub-optimal SEO, high support costs, and historically poor performance for large installations compared to competitors. Who knew none of that was broken!?
  7. do you have a diff browser you can try? Version 39.0.2171.95 (64-bit) works for me on a mac.
  8. Please change your theme to the default theme and try again.
  9. 1. Perhaps the "overview" is new. I don't remember. I see everything normally. 2. That is the "share" feature. 3. IP looks fine to me. 4. No.
  10. Il adjust the clean out script tomorrow.
  11. Does it return when you go back?
  12. Looks like I need to break out the Pommenstein filter...
  13. Probably going to stop working on this today. Submit bugs here. You can confirm a bug is skin related if you go down to the bottom left and select "Change Theme >> IP.Board". If the bug goes away it is in our forum skin. Right now I have aware of: 1. Gallery is hosed 2. Mods: ticking check box to mod thread doesn't display the proper drop down box thanks.
  14. Stupid Gallery is throwing errors. That's the reason for the blank pages.
  15. There may be some css changes. That was the part that always held me back - not wanting to deal with skinning issues.
  16. Basic board upgraded. Need to reinstall gallery and shout box.
  17. most of that. This version I'm using is done. The next one has been in dev for years and is in Beta. Just a diff cat from this. I'm not sure I need the extras they have developed.
  18. Trying to get this in before that.
  19. This kind of press will torpedo Marrone.
  20. I will be performing a long over due maintenance upgrade on the board today. Just checking right now if any add-ons will break. So, if the board is offline - you will know why. Just chill for 30 minutes or so. Thanks. Want to get this done before my break is over.
  21. or maybe just picked a better head coach.
  22. Is the implication Xenforo is complicated? Their mobile responsive design is quite nice. I love the look of this forum: https://theadminzone.com/forums/ipb.88/
  23. As vBulletin falls spectacularly from their dominate position, their former coders started a new company Xenforo about 4 years ago. I think Xenforo now has 2x the installed base of IPB (our current software provider). I've stuck to IPB for a lot of years, but the focus shift in their company and the mind-numbingly long waits for new releases has me peeking over the fence. Does anyone else visit some favorite forums that run on Xenforo? Do you like the user experience?
  24. Jim Fassel was once a can't miss, hottest coach out there rehire. Never got a NFL HC job again.
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