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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Contest is created here: https://www.fanduel.com/entry/65013-249637040
  3. I may not get to start a contest for tonight's game as I'm away from home - anyone else able to start one tonight and post the link?
  4. Sunday 1PM Contest Sunday Night Contest
  5. Thursday Night Contest is created here:
  6. Starting a topic for Week 3 contests (I'll create them and post later in the week) I'm thinking I will create one for: Thursday Night Sunday (full slate) Monday Night As always I am open to feedback on buy in, winning distribution and any other tweaks you'd like to see. Thanks! Brendan
  7. OK, the first contest is posted here
  8. Hi everyone! If you haven't already, please send me you FanDuel username. If you need to sign up, you can use this link and you and I will both get some credit. Once we have a few more people (hoping for close to ten for our first one) I will create a Contest for us for the Sunday night game.

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