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About This Club

For those Nerds who love Blizzard/Activision titles...WoW, hearthstone, Diablo, Overwatch.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Never played shadowlands, but likely will get this expansion just to quest and noodle around in dungeons
  3. Just realized I never responded... and that I completely forgot about this group. WC3 remastered is pretty good. They actually modified some of the missions to be closer to the WoW-established lore. For example, Arthas gets to kill Anesterian Sunstrider as he defends the Sunwell during the mission to sack Quel'Thalas.
  4. Let me know how that works out. I'm tempted. I play a lot of Hearthstone too.
  5. Should be interesting. I'm somewhat burning out on WoW, but new content and good storylines are always appreciated. Waiting for Warcraft 3 to finish downloading. Was a great game with old graphics, should be even better updated.
  6. Love it. Can't wait for it. What kinda blizz games you playing?

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